Windows 10 receives positive reaction

Back in 2012, Microsoft launched its first attempt at an operating system that coped with the inevitable collision of tablets and desktops. Regarded by most users as a flop, Windows 8 was typified as an awkward mismatch between touch friendly technology and more traditional desktop operating systems; in short, it didn’t work for either desktop…

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Rombertik: Malware that destroys your computer when detected

It has been announced in the last few days that a new computer virus has been discovered which has been named Rombertik. The malware is designed to capture any plain text entered into a browser. Nicknamed by Cisco Systems, Rombertik’s primary purpose is a big worry but this new type of malware has an additional…

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Is this the end of Internet Explorer?

Microsoft has announced that its iconic browser – Internet Explorer – will not be the main web browser when they launch the eagerly anticipated Windows 10, in a move that would appear to signal the end for the now 20 year old “IE”. Microsoft has instead announced that a completely new browser, currently code-named “Project…

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Microsoft no longer forced to offer web browser choices

A rule forcing Microsoft to offer new Windows users in Europe options for web browsers has come to an end, five years after it was introduced. The so called Browser Ballot had forced Microsoft to give as much prominence to non-Microsoft browsers such as Firefox and Chrome on Windows as it does to Internet Explorer…

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Still running Windows Server 2003? It’s time to switch

Anyone still using Microsoft Windows Server 2003 is being urged to upgrade after Microsoft announced that they will no longer offer extended support as of July 14th 2015. But what does this mean to current users and why should they switch? It’s estimated that there are currently 10 million machines still running Windows Server 2003…

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Problems with upgrading Windows XP

Microsoft officially stopped supporting the Windows XP operating system on 8th April this year after more than a decade. This means that it no longer provides technical support services, but more importantly it also stopped updating the software. So, no more bug fixes, and most crucially of all, no more security patches. Desktops or laptops…

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