
What is cloud computing?

16th July 2015

Cloud computing sounds complicated, but it simply means storing and accessing data and programs on the internet instead of on your computer’s hard drive. Whereas in the past people were limited only to the data and programs present on their local hard drives, cloud computing has now opened up new and exciting opportunities for individuals to access endless streams of data through internet connectivity. For those of you with smartphones and laptops there is a good chance that you will…

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The importance of mobile & remote working

30th June 2015

Is your business utilising all the benefits that mobile and remote working technology has to offer? By the end of this year, nearly half of the global population will be using the internet. It is predicted that by 2016, 32% of the global workforce will be working outside the office as a result of mobile technology, with two thirds of these owning a smart phone. But despite advances in technology and changes in attitudes, fewer than half of all companies…

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Rombertik: Malware that destroys your computer when detected

12th May 2015

It has been announced in the last few days that a new computer virus has been discovered which has been named Rombertik. The malware is designed to capture any plain text entered into a browser. Nicknamed by Cisco Systems, Rombertik’s primary purpose is a big worry but this new type of malware has an additional destructive threat. Once setup on a Windows computer, Rombertik will check to see if it has been detected. The malware performs several regular internal checks…

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Which internet browser is best for you?

27th April 2015

For most people, opening an internet browser is a case of double clicking on the icon we are most familiar with. Internet browsers are applications that translate website code, allowing users to easily navigate and gather information throughout this vast global resource. Today, the internet plays a massive role in modern life and the right browser could help you make the most of your time and increase productivity. Google Chrome is one of the top ranking browsers as users who…

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Is this the end of Internet Explorer?

19th March 2015

Microsoft has announced that its iconic browser – Internet Explorer – will not be the main web browser when they launch the eagerly anticipated Windows 10, in a move that would appear to signal the end for the now 20 year old “IE”. Microsoft has instead announced that a completely new browser, currently code-named “Project Spartan” will replace Internet Explorer as the main browser with the new operating system. Chris Capossela, Microsoft’s Head of Marketing, told a conference this week…

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Millions of computer users at risk from “Freak”

11th March 2015

At the end of last week, Microsoft issued a major security warning about a computer bug that has been named “Freak” and announced that it was working on a security update to tackle it. Initially it was thought that only some users of Android and Blackberry phones were at risk, along with users of Apple’s Safari web browser, but it was later discovered that in fact millions of computer users are at risk. The bug is a loophole that has…

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Most security threats are “well-known” says HP

25th February 2015

An annual cyber-security report by technology firm HP has found that despite advancements in cyber attacks, the majority of cyber-security incidents in 2014 took advantage of well-known vulnerabilities that have existed for years. The report, which looked at a range of business that had their security compromised in the least year, found that many of the issues which led to their security breaches are not new developments and that they exploited code written years or even decades earlier. “We can’t…

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Microsoft no longer forced to offer web browser choices

19th December 2014

A rule forcing Microsoft to offer new Windows users in Europe options for web browsers has come to an end, five years after it was introduced. The so called Browser Ballot had forced Microsoft to give as much prominence to non-Microsoft browsers such as Firefox and Chrome on Windows as it does to Internet Explorer (IE). The deal had supposedly been about giving Windows users choice, and was drawn up in 2009 after rivals of Microsoft complained that because IE…

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“Most sophisticated spyware” discovered by Symantec

2nd December 2014

One of the most sophisticated pieces of computer spyware ever seen has been discovered by the leading computer security company, Symantec. The bug goes by the name Regin and has been dubbed “super-spyware”. It was probably created by a government according to Symantec, due to how sophisticated it is. They believe it would have taken years to create and that it has probably been used for about six years, since at least 2008, against a range of targets around the…

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Still running Windows Server 2003? It’s time to switch

29th October 2014

Anyone still using Microsoft Windows Server 2003 is being urged to upgrade after Microsoft announced that they will no longer offer extended support as of July 14th 2015. But what does this mean to current users and why should they switch? It’s estimated that there are currently 10 million machines still running Windows Server 2003 (WS2003) at present, and users who have failed to upgrade by next July to a newer server will unfortunately find themselves in hot water. Users…

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IT Support

ECL recognises that every client is different, and every client has a different IT support requirement. Whatever the size of your business, we can offer a support scenario to suit your needs.

Cloud Services

Whether your business already uses Cloud services or you’re considering the Cloud as a possible way forward, talk to us first. We can provide anything from fully hosted IT infrastructures on our own ECL Private Cloud, to simple on-line backups. We can also give expert advice on Office 365 and other Cloud platforms.

Disaster Recovery

How would losing access to your IT systems and data for days, or even weeks, affect your business? For many if not most companies this would be a nightmare scenario, with potentially very serious consequences.

Office 365

Cloud services could potentially lower your overall costs and gives your employees all the tools they need alongside the correct layers of security and compliance.

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